This will be my last post from the comforts of the Embassy Suites. Ill be catching a cab over to the Maria Cristina in an hour or so. Our lead guide, George, emailed me late last night when he got to the hotel, so I'm fairly certain Ill have email at least until tomorrow - unless he has some sort of fancy Internet device.
I slept in this AM, went for a quick 2 mile jog to open the lungs up, and then grabbed breakfast.
Still plugging away with the Diamox & Aspirin and, as you can see by the picture, I'm doing my best to stay ahead of the effects of the Diamox. Since you pee so much it tends to dehydrate you if you don't drink a lot of water. If the dehydration does catch up with you, forget it, you're done. The water bottles above represent probably half of what Ive drank in a day and a half. Peeing so much obviously keeps you up a bit more at night, but it beats the alternative.
I will only be taking the Viagra on summit day now because my insurance only allows 6 pills a month. The doctor ordered 14 so I could take two a day, however, it would have cost me $700!! No thank you. Getting older is going to suck. Haha.
Ok, gotta get everything packed, looks like a bomb went off in here. If I don't talk to anyone after this point, please follow along on IMG's site.
Peace out,
:) good luck again.